

  • CVE-2016-3351 on Mitre
  • CVE-2016-3351 on
  • References:
  • Microsoft Patches CVE-2016-3351 Zero-Day, Exploited By AdGholas and GooNky Malvertising Groups - 2016-09-13 - Proofpoint - Kafeine CVE-2016-3351 GooNky AdGholas Angler Astrum
  • Microsoft Patches IE/Edge Zero-day Used in AdGholas Malvertising Campaign - 2016-09-15 - Trend Micro - Brooks Li - Henry Li CVE-2016-3351 AdGholas
  • More Reading:

  • The shadow knows: Malvertising campaigns use domain shadowing to pull in Angler EK - 2015-12-15 - Proofpoint - Kafeine GooNky Angler CVE-2016-3351
  • Peas in a pod: Microsoft patches CVE-2016-3298, a second information disclosure zero-day used in malvertising campaigns and the Neutrino Exploit Kit - 2016-10-11 - Proofpoint - Kafeine CVE-2016-3298 GooNky AdGholas CVE-2016-3351