
Popads EK - TopExp - Status: Active

  • Magnitude EK : Pop Pop ! - 2013-10-26 - MDNC - Kafeine Magnitude
  • And real name of Magnitude is.... - 2014-02-06 - MDNC - Kafeine Magnitude
  • A Peek Into the Lion's Den – The Magnitude [aka PopAds] Exploit Kit - 2014-08-05 - SpiderLabs Magnitude Nymaim Necurs
  • More Reading:

  • Deobfuscating Magnitude Exploit Kit - 2013-11-11 - Kahu Security - darryl Magnitude
  • CVE-2014-0569 (Flash Player) integrating Exploit Kit - 2014-10-21 - MDNC - Kafeine CVE-2014-0569 Chthonic Fiesta Angler Astrum Sweet Orange FlashPack RIG Magnitude KovCoreG Kovter
  • Killing a Zero-Day in the Egg: Adobe CVE-2016-1019 - 2016-04-07 - Proofpoint - Kafeine CVE-2016-1019 Nuclear Magnitude
  • CVE-2016-1019 (Flash up to and Exploit Kits - 2016-04-08 - MDNC - Kafeine CVE-2016-1019 Nuclear Magnitude Cerber Neutrino
  • Magnitude Exploit Kit - Under the Hood - 2017-02-09 - RSA - Daniel Frank Magnitude
  • CVE-2018-4878 (Flash Player up to and Exploit Kits - 2018-03-09 - MDNC - Kafeine CVE-2018-4878 WordsJS GreenFlash Sundown Magnitude RIG Fallout Hermes
  • CVE-2018-8174 (VBScript Engine) and Exploit Kits - 2018-05-25 - MDNC - Kafeine CVE-2018-8174 RIG Magnitude GrandSoft Fallout Kaixin Hunter GreenFlash Sundown Smokebot
  • Exploit kits: fall 2019 review - 2019-11-19 - Malwarebytes - Jérôme Segura Fallout Underminer Magnitude Spelevo RIG GrandSoft Kaixin